

Watch: ICAST video roundup

Check out the latest product videos and angler interviews recorded on the show floor during ICAST 2019.


‘Pee Wee’ Powers passes away in Virginia

The B.A.S.S. Family lost a great man today. Louis “Pee Wee” Powers, passed away today in Virginia surrounded by his family. Pee Wee was a former state president of the...


Daily Limit: Mega award for Humminbird

ORLANDO, Fla. — Humminbird was among the multiple award winners at the ICAST 2019 Best of Show awards banquet Wednesday night. Media and buyers spent Tuesday night and all of...


Daily Limit: Zona’s favorite things

ORLANDO, Fla. — Since Mark Zona is kind of the Oprah of bass fishing (hey, they’re both on TV and both worked out of Chicago), he decided to share his...


ICAST announces category winners

Here is a list of the category winners at ICAST 2019. The overall Best in Show has yet to be announced.  Boating Accesories: Garmin FORCE Trolling Motor Boat and Watercraft:...

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